Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of Judy Dyble’s terrible recipes, created for family, friends, and Facebook followers since 2018.
As the first vocalist for Fairport Convention, the woman who brought King Crimson together, and the knitter of string scarves while watching Jimi Hendrix play the legendary UFO Club, Judy’s sense of silliness permeated her music and her personal life. Now the cobwebbed crockery, detonated dinners, and escapee ingredients that she conjured up are yours to enjoy in 33 hilarious takes, beautifully illustrated by Oxfordshire artist Louise Regan.
Posthumously collated by the Dyble family, this is Judy’s first-ever book. It includes recipes invented for friends and family based on their most-disliked foodstuffs, including concoctions for Steve Hackett and his wife, Jo, Big Big Train frontman David Longdon, collaborator The Curator, and authors/music journalists Peter Paphides, David Quantick, and Mike Barnes.
Endorsed by Judy’s long-time friend and King Crimson guitarist, Robert Fripp.